
Andropausal men: What can You expect?

Andropause is the result of very low testosterone levels in the male body.
By the time men reach the age of approximately 45, they have a hormonal change similar to the menopause in woman. It is called the male menopause, or the Andropause. Unlike the female counterpart Bodily changes occur very gradually in the male body, usually accompanied by tiredness, loss of libido and dexterity and heavy mood swings. 
This is because the body is experiencing a lack of testosterone. Studies have shown that this lack can perhaps put a man at risk of things such as a heart decease and the depletion of bone density. 
Since this condition occurs in men who are in the middle of their lives, symptoms are usually easily dismissed as just another mid-life crisis. To this effect, many andropausal men go undiagnosed. 
Symptoms of andropause
Symptoms of male andropause usually include fatigue or decreased energy, decreased libido or interest in sex, weight gain, forgetfulness, depression, irritability, low self esteem, sleep difficulties and bone loss. Since andropause is the result of low testosterone levels, testosterone target-organ responses in andropausal men typically decrease causing all these symptoms.
Fatigue and low energy
When andropause strikes, a man's activity pace slows down considerably. Any form of physical activity demands more effort and the andropausal male becomes more lethargic.
Declining sex drive
Andropausal men do not only have less interest in sex but also have sex less frequently. The reason for this is that men with low testosterone levels may find it difficult to enjoy sex. Testosterone is the primary hormone that controls libido. When testosterone levels decline, the male libido follows. 
Body composition
About 10% of body mass is lost in andropausal men, and when regained is usually done so through fat. 
Forgetfulness, inability to concentrate
Andropausal men also find it more difficult to memorise and concentrate on things for a long period of time. although this symptom may be found usually, there is no doubt that it increases in Andropausal men. 
Lack of sleep
Andropausal men are also known to have a disrupted sleep pattern. 


4 comments: said...

Interesting reading, Its very difficult to explain for a man to discuss their problem whereas women has diffrent things and friends to discuss their problem with each other. womens has early menopause is there man has early andropause due to decrease in libido. Thanks

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teresa bowen said...

Very informative. Replacing androgen hormone or testosterone within the blood is easily the most typical strategy for males under-going male menopause. This treatment may possibly present reduced the symptoms along with improve the standard of living most of the time. Change in lifestyle for example improved exercising, reducing stress, and also great nutrition additionally support. Your doctor can help you decide if testosterone treatment methods are right in your circumstances, because therapy does have risks.

fenugreek testosterone

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