

Andropausal men: What can You expect?

Andropause is the result of very low testosterone levels in the male body.
By the time men reach the age of approximately 45, they have a hormonal change similar to the menopause in woman. It is called the male menopause, or the Andropause. Unlike the female counterpart Bodily changes occur very gradually in the male body, usually accompanied by tiredness, loss of libido and dexterity and heavy mood swings. 
This is because the body is experiencing a lack of testosterone. Studies have shown that this lack can perhaps put a man at risk of things such as a heart decease and the depletion of bone density. 
Since this condition occurs in men who are in the middle of their lives, symptoms are usually easily dismissed as just another mid-life crisis. To this effect, many andropausal men go undiagnosed. 
Symptoms of andropause
Symptoms of male andropause usually include fatigue or decreased energy, decreased libido or interest in sex, weight gain, forgetfulness, depression, irritability, low self esteem, sleep difficulties and bone loss. Since andropause is the result of low testosterone levels, testosterone target-organ responses in andropausal men typically decrease causing all these symptoms.
Fatigue and low energy
When andropause strikes, a man's activity pace slows down considerably. Any form of physical activity demands more effort and the andropausal male becomes more lethargic.
Declining sex drive
Andropausal men do not only have less interest in sex but also have sex less frequently. The reason for this is that men with low testosterone levels may find it difficult to enjoy sex. Testosterone is the primary hormone that controls libido. When testosterone levels decline, the male libido follows. 
Body composition
About 10% of body mass is lost in andropausal men, and when regained is usually done so through fat. 
Forgetfulness, inability to concentrate
Andropausal men also find it more difficult to memorise and concentrate on things for a long period of time. although this symptom may be found usually, there is no doubt that it increases in Andropausal men. 
Lack of sleep
Andropausal men are also known to have a disrupted sleep pattern. 


Male Testosterone Boosters for those Suffering from Male Menopause

If you are considering taking a testosterone booster, you really should understand what the function of testosterone is in the human body. This is a hormone that occurs naturally, and in males it is responsible for the regulation of reproductive functions. It is also responsible for the greater muscle mass that is naturally seen in men.
Some men take a testosterone booster as they begin body building activities to enhance the effects of other things they are doing such as weight lifting exercises. Others choose to use these substances as a way to correct erectile dysfunction. There are any number of legal as well as illegal substances that are used to correct the side effects of andropause and other disorders as well as build those muscles.
Creatine is one of the products that is on the market today which is used to boost the amount of testosterone in the body, but there are certainly others. Some of those include things like vitamins, minerals and herbs that have a reputation for enhancing the levels of this hormone in the body. Along with that, some suggest that individuals wishing to increase their levels add zinc and magnesium to their diets with supplements or foods containing these elements.
When taking any type of hormone enhancing products, particularly creatine it is important that the user make sure to drink plenty of water. The purpose of the water is to wash out unused elements to remove them from the body without allowing them to accumulate. This is particularly important with creatine since it can cause damage to the kidneys if it is allowed to build up.
Some of the benefits often seen with testosterone boosters are that of reducing weight, increasing the amount of muscle mass and helping to repair the muscles after intense exercise routines. Other benefits of these types of products whether natural or otherwise is that they can also increase the amount of strength available as well as endurance and vigor.
The diet you eat can make a difference in the amount of testosterone in the body. For that reason it is recommended that those wishing to increase muscle mass or correct dysfunctions that are related to a decrease of this hormone eat a diet rich in essential fats and protein. This would include foods like nuts, red meat, fish, egg yolks, and saturated fats which help to elevate the amount of testosterone in the body.
As with anything else that you are considering doing with your body, it is best to consult with your physician before entering into any type of program. Testosterone boosters are not only taken by those who wish to build bigger muscles. Even common folks who are not athletes often choose to increase levels of this hormone. They do that to help regain strength and vigor that may have been lost due to age or other factors.
It is always wise to avoid anabolic steroids when you are trying to increase the amount of muscle you have because there are some pretty undesirable side effects that can be caused by them. Natural supplements, herbs, vitamins, minerals and eating a diet rich in proteins and quality fats is the best way to reach your goals of elevating the amount of testosterone in the body.
Jonathon Wellard knows about natural supplement for mens' health from his own experience using Ageless Male. In addition to the above article, John has also written Ageless Male Reviews to share with men who are facing andropause, also known as male menopause.

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Master the Male Menopause

Andropause, otherwise known as the male menopause, is caused by the lessening of a man's capability to make testosterone in his body. It can lead to exhaustion and frustration, and, when going through the male menopause, you may find that you get tired quickly after only a short walk or a quick run up the stairs. A further symptom of the male menopause, or andropause, is a lack of libido. 
However, whilst there is no way of stopping the natural effects of ageing, there are ways to slow it, or things that can be done to help the side-effects. Since one of the main causes of male menopause, is the diminishing of testosterone, the best way to treat, or at least decrease the effects of the condition, is through testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT. Through this therapy, you will be able to reduce the effects of symptoms, such as low interest in sex, despair and constant tiredness.
It can also help to rebuild relationships, because the increase in testosterone could reduce irritability. Enjoy your manhood through testosterone replacement medical care. With this therapy, you will be able to deal with male menopause, and come to be a man again.
So, if you are ever experiencing what people call mid-life crisis, it may be for the reason that you are experiencing male menopause. You should always call to mind that menopause doesn't only occur to women, but it also occurs to the male population as well. You should also realize that these symptoms are natural, and there is nothing you could do to stop them.
The only thing you can do, is diminish the symptoms through a treatment called testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT. However, before you undergo TRT, you need to always keep in mind that you ought to first consult your doctor. He or she will be able to recommend a clinic specializing in TRT, with trained professionals to look after you. This is the best strategy to handle Andropause.

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